

答:try one's best play a role

答:do one's possible endeavour to do sth

答:do as much as somebody can 尽某人所能

答:do one's endeavor to do sth.endeavor 英[ɪn'devə] 美[ɪn'devə] vt. 尝试,试图; 尽力,竭力; n. 努力,尽力; [例句]We made an earnest endeavor to persuade her.我们郑重其事地努力说服她。[其他] 第三人称单数:endeavors 复数...

答:尽某人最大努力 try one's best;spare no effort to do;do one's best.[网络短语]:尽某人最大努力 try one's best in;do one's best;Make best efforts to someone.尽某人最大的努力 do one's best;try one's best to do;try one's best.尽某人的最大努力 Do one's best;...

答:Try one's best 英文发音:[traɪ wʌnz best]中文释义:尽某人最大的努力;尽力而为 例句:Only if you try your best, you will not regret in the future.只有尽了最大的努力,你将来才不会后悔。词汇解析:try 英文发音:[traɪ]中文释义:v.试图;想要;设法;努力;试;...

答:try one's best to do/doing sth do one's best to do/doing sth欢迎采纳啊

答:I will try my best to ...do sth with all one's strength

答:try one's best to do sth 尽全力做某事

The exam is coming,I am doing my ___to word hard___ english. A b...
答:do one‘s best 尽某人最大努力 固定短语 at English 在英语方面


(18963355459) “竭尽某人全力”用英语怎么写? -
季耍光____ try one's best

(18963355459) 尽某人最大能力做某事英语怎么说 -
季耍光____ 1. do one's best to do sth. 2. try one's best to do sth. 3. do one's endeavor to do sth.endeavor 英[ɪn'devə] 美[ɪn'devə] vt. 尝试,试图; 尽力,竭力; n. 努力,尽力; [例句]We made an earnest endeavor to persuade her.我们郑重其事地努力说...

(18963355459) 竭尽全力的英文是什么? -
季耍光____ 1、try one's best 2、try one's utmost 短语解析: 1、try one's best 英文发音:[traɪ wʌnz best] 中文释义:尽力而为 例句: But they went all out to afford the higher education for him. 但他们竭尽全力为儿子提供高等教育. 2、try one's utmost 英...

(18963355459) 英语翻译竭尽某人全力 love you!格式有点乱 再发一次 不止一个单词哦get..lost 即.又伟大的发明首先 在某人看来 从.学习一列竭尽某人全力love you! -
季耍光____[答案] 既……又……neither…nor either……or both…and伟大的发明GrOhio Discoextremeccly 首先at first在某人看来in one's eyes in one's view in one's apprehension从……学习 learn from一列 row...